Top 5 Signs That Your Suit Doesn’t Fit Properly – Including Examples!

Having a perfectly fitting suit is crucial for looking refined and stylish. If your men’s suit doesn’t fit properly, it can negatively affect your overall appearance and confidence. Here are five signs that indicate your suit doesn’t fit correctly, along with simple explanations for each:

Shoulder Indicators: The shoulders are a primary area to evaluate the fit of a suit. Here are two indicators to consider:
Shoulder Dips: If you see visible creases or depressions on the top part of the shoulders, it means the suit’s shoulders are too tight. This restricts arm movement and doesn’t look flattering.
Superfluous Shoulder Fabric: On the other hand, if you notice extra fabric gathering or wrinkling around the shoulders, it means the suit’s shoulders are too wide. This gives the impression of an ill-fitting and sloppy suit.

suit doesn't fit

Does your suit fit your body correctly?

Example: Imagine wearing a suit where the shoulder area looks crumpled or has extra fabric bulging out. It’s like wearing someone else’s suit that doesn’t match your body shape.

Jacket Length: The length of the jacket is crucial for a balanced and proportional appearance. Here are two things to consider:
Jacket Hemline: If the jacket is too long, it creates an unbalanced look and makes your legs appear shorter. If it’s too short, it gives the impression of an elongated torso, disrupting the overall harmony of your body proportions.
Example: Think of wearing a suit where the jacket is so long that it covers most of your thighs, making you look like you have short legs. Or imagine wearing a suit with a jacket that barely reaches your waist, making your torso appear much longer.

Sleeve Length: The sleeves should reach just above the base of your thumb when your arms are relaxed by your sides. If the sleeves are too long, they make your arms look shorter and give the impression of an oversized suit. If they’re too short, too much of your shirt cuff is exposed, creating an awkward appearance.
Example: Picture wearing a suit where the sleeves hang past your thumbs, making your arms seem shorter than they actually are. Or imagine wearing a suit where the sleeves only reach your wrists, showing too much of your shirt cuff and looking mismatched.

Jacket Fit: How the jacket fits your body is essential. Here are two things to assess:
Pulling Across the Chest: If the jacket feels tight and you notice visible tension across the chest area when buttoned, it’s too tight. This restricts movement and causes unappealing wrinkles when you raise your arms or sit down.
Excessive Fabric or Baggy Appearance: Conversely, if the jacket looks loose or baggy, especially around the waist area, it’s too large for your physique. This results in a shapeless and unflattering look, taking away from the sharpness and elegance of the suit.
Example: Imagine wearing a suit where the jacket feels so tight that you can’t move your arms comfortably, and it creates wrinkles around your chest. Alternatively, think of wearing a suit where the jacket looks oversized and loose, making you appear untidy and without a defined shape.

Trouser Fit: The fit of the trousers is equally important. Consider the following indicators:
Waist Fit: The waistband should sit comfortably around your waist, neither too tight nor too loose. If the trousers feel constricting, it limits your movement and causes discomfort. If the waistband is too loose, the trousers may sag or slip, resulting in a disheveled appearance.
Break and Length: The break refers to the fabric that rests on top of your shoes. The trousers should have an appropriate break, neither excessively long with bunching fabric nor too short, disrupting the overall balance of the suit and creating an untidy look.

Example: Imagine wearing trousers where the waistband feels so tight that it’s uncomfortable to move, or where the waistband is so loose that the trousers keep sliding down, giving a sloppy appearance. Also, picture trousers that are so long that they bunch up around your ankles, making your legs appear shorter. On the other hand, envision trousers that are too short, ending above your ankles and giving the impression of high-water pants.

Leg Fit: The trousers should have a tapered and tailored fit throughout the leg. Avoid excessive tightness or bagginess.
Extra fabric around the thighs or a tight fit can result in unflattering creases and restrict your mobility.
Trousers that are too loose or wide-legged can make you appear larger and less put-together.
Example: Think of wearing trousers that are so tight around your thighs that they create unflattering creases or limit your ability to move comfortably. Alternatively, picture trousers that are extremely loose and wide, giving the impression of wearing oversized pants and detracting from a polished look.

Overall Proportions: Consider the following indicators to evaluate the overall proportions of the suit:
Collar Fit: The suit jacket’s collar should lie flat against your shirt collar without noticeable gaps or lifting. A poorly fitting collar can create an unbalanced and unkempt appearance.
Lapel Width: The width of the lapel should complement your body frame and suit style. Extremely wide or narrow lapels can throw off the proportions and give an outdated or disproportionate look.
Button Stance: The placement of the buttons on the suit jacket is important. If they’re too high or too low, it can affect the overall balance and proportions of the suit. The ideal button stance creates a flattering V-shape and enhances your natural physique.
Example: Imagine wearing a suit where the collar of the jacket stands away from your shirt collar, creating an untidy and misaligned look. Or picture a suit with lapels that are extremely wide, overpowering your body frame and appearing out of style. Additionally, envision a suit with buttons placed too high or too low, disrupting the overall balance and harmony of the suit’s appearance.

By paying attention to these indicators and ensuring a proper fit in the shoulders, jacket length, jacket fit, trouser fit, and overall proportions, you can achieve a well-fitted suit. A well-fitted suit enhances your appearance, boosts your confidence, and leaves a lasting impression of style and sophistication.

Example: Think of a suit that fits perfectly, with shoulders that align seamlessly with your natural shoulder line, a jacket length that covers your seat proportionately, trousers that sit comfortably at your waist, and a collar that lies flat against your shirt collar. When all these elements come together harmoniously, you look sharp, confident, and well-dressed.