Should I Buy a Bespoke Suit?
Bespoke – made for a particular customer or user. That’s the dictionary definition of something that is “bespoke.” The term is a British term that’s been around since the late 16th century, it is most commonly found in the fashion industry, hence why today we’re answering your questions about whether or not you should purchase a “bespoke” suit.
Buying suits can be a tricky thing to master, particularly if you’re in a rush and you have three days before your best friends’ wedding and you’ve only got parts of a suit… I digress, obviously, if you’re in this situation, then buying bespoke isn’t for you. But, if you have some time on your hands, it is always better to buy a bespoke suit, for the following reasons.
- It Gives You More Fashion Freedom.
One of the main reasons to buy a bespoke suit is that it is tailor-made for you and to your build and frame. No more buying suits off the shelf, this one’s yours, made for you and to some degree, made by you. Because you’re buying something that’s bespoke, you’ll have the freedom to choose the colors, the patches, the handkerchief in the breast pocket, the patterns, the cufflinks and even the accompanying shoes if necessary.
Buying a bespoke suit will give you the fashion freedom that we all love when it comes to buying clothes that truly work us.
- Consider it an Investment
Buying bespoke isn’t for everyone. As with just about anything that’s tailor-made, it’s going to be a more expensive endeavor than purchasing any old suit from the rack. But, that’s why you should consider it an investment. Most people aren’t going to own more than half a dozen suits in their lifetimes, sometimes less, depending on how often one needs to wear one. Therefore, considering that life is short and bespoke suits are pricey, consider the ownership of just one bespoke suit to be an investment in yourself.
- Fit Is First
If you’ve always bought suits off-the-rack, you’ll know that sometimes – most of the time, in fact, the sizing is wrong. Whether it’s too long in the jacket arm or the pant leg, or it’s just too tight across the chest. With bespoke suits, that’s not the case, because they’re made to fit you. One of the first things any tailor worth their salt will do is to take all of your measurements across different body points and create a paper (or digital) pattern for you. Once this happens, assuming that you don’t undertake any drastic body changes as you buy your suit, you’ll have the perfectly fitted suit, every single time. It is this very important first step of proper fitting that is the key to everything bespoke.
- Do You Need a Bespoke Suit?
I suppose this is the most important question. Not everyone needs a bespoke suit. Most people can get by just fine with the ones off the shelves. However, if you’re a frequent wearer of suits for whatever reason, it really does pay to spend the money and get yourself a bespoke suit. Your body will thank you for it, as it no longer has to adapt to being squeezed into a shirt that’s too small.
- Suits Can be Motivating
If you find yourself lacking some motivation, then a good bit of retail therapy is in order. But, again, if you’re a frequent wearer of poorly-made, ill-fitting suits, then a bespoke suit might be for you. Find your motivation when you go through the process of fitting, ordering, collecting and wearing your first bespoke that’s made for you and can propel you forward in your chosen career.
Wearing a suit is an important undertaking that far too few people get to experience. Most people wear a suit on two primary occasions: weddings and funerals. But if you’re an everyday wearer of suits, then a bespoke suit is a must.
Once you’ve purchased your suit, it’s imperative that you take care of it so it lasts into the distance. Your bespoke suit is an investment – no doubt it has cost you a pretty penny, so be sure you look after it now, and it’ll take you into the future. If you want to find out more about how to care for your suit, get in touch with our friendly and professional team today. We’re experienced and passionate about our bespoke suit designs and services, and we’re waiting to take your call.